What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger | Beating COVID-19 At Home
Hello friends and loved ones!
I am happy to share my COVID story because I have recovered from it! Yey!

It was a normal menstrual cycle for me, normal symptoms that I would experience every month: lethargic, headache, body pain, nausea and fever.
My fever went on and off for two weeks+, my doctor said I should drink vitamins twice a day and rest up as much as I can and have a swab test once I am able to get up on my feet. Mom gave me salabat(ginger tea)+lemon to drink before I sleep and I only drink hot/warm water everyday.
I experienced the "something heavy/blocking at the chest area" for just a couple of days (around 3-4 days), I'm not sure when it actually manifested because the whole time I always feel tired and I would just sleep it off.
By the time I had strength to get up, all of us at home got tested and mine was the only one that came back positive. That's the only time we practiced isolation at home 😅. I also went back with yoga and my cardio exercise every morning - breathing exercises somehow relieved me with the heavy chest thingy. I still continued monitoring my temp and oxygen for another 2 weeks.
And now 3 weeks after, we had to do the swab again. And yey! All came back negative! 😁
We still don't know how I got it. The last time I went out before feeling "sick" was when I bought my monthly pills. I always practice social distancing when I go outside and splash alcohol on all foreign objects I would touch (including coins/bills) but yeah - you get f**d up anyway.
We didn't got a chance to report everything to our LGU not after I got better 😅 since we didn't really suspect that I had COVID. By the time we were able to though, there were no other steps given to us since I'm all better and the rest of our household returned negative anyway. Maybe contact tracing was irrelevant by then.
But anyway, that's it! 😅 Please invest on your health! Get you body some multivitamins. Drink plenty of water, eat healthy foods and get some rest and have proper sleep!
Let's all witness this pandemic end! And please enjoy these photos of my oldest and youngest dogs.

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