Pay Day is Shopping Day!

The most anticipated day of the month. lol.

I usually don't waste money on the first pay out for me to save little by little, but when the second payout comes my shopping list is ready. The things I need to complete a costume or things to use on my crafts are my second priority from my skin needs. Third would be my 'pasalubong' to my mom and sisters.

Today I went straight to divisoria from work. I'm looking for things to complete two costumes, my Eustass Kidd for the 23th and my Kanu Unchou for PCC.

I only need accessories for my Kidd and I bought more than what I need from that heavenly accessory shop. Along with my accessory browsing I was fighting temptation on buying nail art stuffs, sewing essentials and crafting stuffs from that store. I discovered it once when I was randomly roaming around the place and I kept on coming back since then.

After I was satisfied browsing the store, I looked for a place to eat. Divisoria is one of the satisfying places to eat to too. I have never been fulled by a Php70.00 meal before!

After having brunch I looked for the right uniform for my Kanu. Yes, I bought a real school uniform. The sales lady were asking "kayo po ang magsusuot?" with a wondering face. I bought the "real" school palda too. lol :3 I was planning to buy cloth instead and start from scratch but when I was thinking my options, I said to myself: "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE COLLARS AND NATURAL FOLDS ON THE SKIRT". ahahahahahaha.

I bought extra cloth at Tutuban Mall for the detailing on Kanu's blouse when I remembered I need that Bosny Gold Spray Paint and some Velcro too. There was an ACE Hardware inside the mall but they don't have the color I was looking for. I scoured the vicinity and didn't find any other hardware store. I was about to give up when I saw this tiny hardware shop along Ilaya street, immediately bought one and took off back to Juan Luna Street to buy shirts for mom.

As I was taking my way to Juan Luna Street inside 168 Mall I suddenly saw a strip (pasilio) of all the hardware stuffs I need. I was like: T______T
The Bosny paints were cheaper too! Well, I know where to buy 'em next time!

After buying shirts, I bought fruits too. And then decided the call it a day.
I got home almost 4:30PM, took a bath and I will sleep this all off.

I will be posting the goods I find on my tumblr blog page tomorrow.


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