My First Book: "Si" by Bob Ong

I was never ever fond of reading books. Whenever I try reading one, I end up dozing off on the very first flip of a page. But yeah, I finished reading a book the other day! 😁 It took me weeks to finish it, like 3 pages a day or so. lol. I habitually read it on my way to office.

All my friends at work are talking about it and since it's just a small book, I thought of giving it a try. I saw my sister (who lives and breathes books) bought it and asked her to borrow it once she's done.

But she gave me a copy instead. 💕 Yes! My own! My very first book! lol.

At the very first flip of the page (after the ads and other stuff), there's this introduction that let's you know that this book is a love story.

At first you will see a number at the top that seems to be a chapter...but you'll get to know what it is while you are reading.

I don't want to spoil but here's a peek of the book. It's written in basic Filipino, and it was really a good read (for me) having to read a very well written piece. It's not "tag-lish" (Tagalog and English), it's pure Tagalog. *thumbsup*

The story's timeline is during the Japan-US war. I was imagining old folks and the "old" Philippines while reading it.

Overall, I loved it. Its the first book I ever finished reading so I cannot rate it. But the flow of the story is very spontaneous and unpredictable. I might read it backwards again. *oops*

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