Otaku Expo Reload 2015

This is the only cosplay event that I attended alone. And by alone I meant cosplaying without any of my friends. My younger sister accompanied me after long negotiations and bribe. lol :P

I wasn't expecting to meet anybody too since all of my cosplay friends were busy. I just tried attending and experiencing cosplaying alone and..ugghh... I didn't quite enjoyed the day unlike when I'm with my friends.

On to the event, I cosplayed Kanu Unchou (from Ikki Tousen), the pink neko version.

I sew the whole thing within a week after deciding that I will attend with or without friends. The pink neko ears and paws I sew a long time ago since this have been long on my cosplay list.

This is the convention where I get to hang out at the stage again, after a long time. We watched the ramp and enjoyed it. It just so sad that there were just few participants.

Here's a clip of the Daimos performance that day. It was a good performance and the audience really enjoyed it. So much fun!

After the ramp, we roamed around the convention and was able to find something cheap to commemorate this event. lol. Look at these cute brothers!

And hey! I got to meet some friends after all.

We left as soon as the event on stage finished. Dressed up to normal clothes and ate a small snack before we went home.

Hey! I love my after wig hair. So I'm just leaving this here. lol

Photo Credit: (full body shot of my cosplay) Jonelle Delfin Reamico

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