Myka Review: The Batman (2022)
It has been a long time since we went out and watch a movie. We dropped mom at the airport and we convinced aneki-san to go on a rooooadtrip - since we're out already! We went to Manila Zoo first, then to IKEA, had lunch at Romantic Donkatsu, and then capped the day with a movie!
More than two years now, it's our first time to watch inside a movie house again -- and luckily, Batman was showing! Yey! *happy me!*

Initial thoughts on The Batman 2022
***DISCLAIMER: Slight spoilers ahead!***
I admit I was one of the people who didn't love the idea that Robert Pattinson was chosen to play the part in this latest movie. Yes, he had the jawline and all but I just didn't see him as my favorite DC superhero.
BUT, I did stop comparing the Batman roles since Ben Affleck's take over -- he was so good portraying Bruce Wayne and Batman (I previously disagreed with him taking over the role too), I had to see Pattinson's take on the role before I judge.
And yes! I loved this latest one and here and 5 reasons why:
1. The small details!
Batman's eyelashes, Catwoman's scars, the details on the Bat Suit - being that it was the big screen, it's soooo nice to see those small details. The 'darkness' of Gotham City was there, it felt familiar and new at the same time.
I always notice those small details on the big screen and it was done beautifully in this movie.

2. It was highly engaging!
An almost 3-hour long movie and I was wide awake all the time! It doesn't feel like it drags on and there's always something happening.
There were a lot of scenes that made me appreciate the storyline of this Batman movie. We still have the Batman and Catwoman intimacy but it was not forced and not too much lovey-dovey. The connection they made was fleeting and it was just the right amount of romance.

I also love how it was already established James Gordon's trust and connection with Batman. Jeffrey Wright's portrayal was enjoyable and his take on the character was yet again familiar and refreshing at the same time.
It was all woven together so well to create a highly engaging movie. I don't think there was a weak link in the cast -- from Zoe Kravitz to Jeffrey Wright, they all killed it.
3. Robert Pattinson NAILED it as Batman!
I understood when friends who already watched the movie said, "he was good as Batman but not as Bruce Wayne". As I've said earlier, I stopped comparing the role and Pattinson's Batman had its own flavor. There were no character differences between his Batman and his Bruce Wayne -- BUT the movie plot itself didn't show much of the social side of the Bruce Wayne and the need of having "two personas" was non-existing and thus. Hence, I believe Robert Pattinson NAILED it as Batman!
4. It was just the right amount of action and drama!
And the right amount of comedy too!
Too much action isn't good and I feel like a lot of movies tend to forget that. This movie had just the right amount that it didn't feel like it was overbearing but still kept you on the edge of your seat.
This is just me, but combat scenes of some Batman movies always look stiff because of the Bat Suit but in this movie, I didn't seem to feel that.
****slight spoiler ahead****
The drama parts; (1)how they connected Selina with Falcone was brilliant, (2)I also love how they kept the connection between Falcone and Ozzy, and (3)Gordon was a bit funny here, love it! "He's wearing gloves". lol

Speaking of funny scenes, watch out for the doormen twins - I love them!
5. No cringe-worthy scenes!
Of course, my favorite butler; Alfred, was the most important character AGAIN! ****spoiler ahead**** As in some of the previous movies, he gets in trouble again and survived! It's that classic scene but I never get tired of it. After all, he is the only family Bruce has. Another scene that would be so familiar is the entrance of the Bat Mobile and its blue flame! It's those familiar scenes that are still there but didn't feel repetitive rather were given a different flavor that you would appreciate so much.

Are there after-credits scenes?
There is one after-credit scene but it was just a blinking green Riddler question mark on a computer that came from one of the scenes. Was it worth waiting, I think no, but if you want to wait for it, it doesn't hurt too!
Last thoughts on The Batman 2022
I am a movie-only fan of Batman - I am not a fan of comparing the comic storylines to the movies. I also understand how there are multiverses and sequels, so overall as a movie-only fan, I would definitely recommend this movie to Batman fans.
If you are looking for 90% action in a DC movie -- you might not like this one; but if you are more into the story and into Batman, then you would definitely like this take.
I rated this 9 out of 10 because I liked the storyline and there are no irrelevant scenes! This is my opinion as a movie-only fan -- I can understand if you have a different rating because of your comic knowledge.
Thank you for reading my review! Have a great day!
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