AME 1UP 2013

Another successful event organized by UP AME!

The theme of the event is Games and the venue was filled with lots of games indeed! Aside for the venue catering an LOL (League of Legends) Tournament, the event place has a section for playing online games and a truck that is filled with flat screens with PS2 games in it! Yes, I said 'truck'... It was so lovely I want to take it home! haha.

I attended the event with my GrandLine Philippines family cosplaying as a genderbend version of Eustass Kid, from the anime One Piece.

It's the first piece I made in which I molded foam sheets and used spray paint. I enjoyed cosplaying Eustass as much as I enjoyed creating the whole outfit. It's the first cosplay where I didn't got conscious on how my face looks like. ahahaha.

I was also able to attend Reika's wig and make-up workshop! I got so lucky that day that one of the "supposed to be attendee" didn't show up! I took the slot immediately and learned lots of things!

I took photos of friends and had a mini shoot with them using my handy dandy digicam. It was so much fun!

Overall, the event was successful. The ticket was pricey though. Well, that's the only thing I'd critic about the event. lol.

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