March Recap!

When it rain, it pours! ^0^/*
If busy gets me, my blogs (online accounts) are the last things I check-up on or update. March was a real tough one!

Cosplay as a hobby is more than just a hobby and that's what I'm feeling right now! Our cosplay group started this cosplan for an April event and now I can feel the pressure! >///< I must complete my pieces in less than two a week! And to add to that, I'm working on not just my cosplay but additional props for some of my co-groups too. I don't hate this kind of pressure, I rather love it! Making costumes and props challenges my craftsmanship and time management skills, and that's why I love cosplaying. ;)

Aside from my hobby, I came to an opportunity to a change of job career. I still can't believe I'm so close to doing what I love and make money out of it. I don't want to jinx it, but I'm so excited to start soon! I will do good with this one!!! Sure I will!

Loads of goodluck to our cosgroup! ^0^/* May we present our characters as accurate as we can!!!. Ü

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