Free Movie Treat: Minions

So I was losing hope of collecting all the Happy Meal Minion toys. I only have four... 😥

But God is really good! I was so happy when I got to win free tickets to watch the movie!

My sister was sending me links to these Minion contests, and I joined one. It was the Universal Channel contest. The next morning I got notification that I won!

The movie was scheduled on a Saturday evening; good thing I don't have anything to do then.

I got an SMS about the tickets that I won and I was so excited about it.

To my excitement I made new Minion Hats! Exactly the three main characters of the movie. Kevin, Stuart and Bob. I meant to give the other two to my sisters.

Sadly though big sis can't make it because she was already going to that Egai Sai thingy with her boyfriend.

So I texted Nicole to come with us since she loves Minions as much as I do. We wore the hats I made when we got to the cinema.

It was very flattering that people were asking where we bought it. One mom even approached us and was willing to buy it off from our heads! 😂

We were one of the few people who were first in line so we were able to pick the best seats!

There was a mini game before the movie started and there were loads of freebies at stake!

Me and my sister was so eager to get prizes so we joined each of it with excitement.

Some of the loots were Fibisco snacks and Universal Channel items and minion shirts. The best item though was the Bluetooth speaker given by Tattoo. And yes, we won one! 😄

We even had a prize because we came in "prepared" as the host said, wearing our minion hats! Yeah!

The best part of this special screening is that the three cuties were there and I was able to get close with King Bob!!!!! I wanted to bring him home!

And then the movie started.

It was cute! Really meant for kids and kids at heart. ♥ ~ The comedy of the movie was not corny and I really did have fun. I guess I can give 4/5 ♥s for it.

I love how the "Before Gru" backstory was told. 😄

Thanks for reading!

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